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Azbukum Bookshop

Učimo srpski 1

Serbe pour débutants + enregistrements audio + dictionnaire en onze langues


Thanks to the people and associates at Azbukum, Serbia has been a unique experience every time I’ve come. Engaging, amiabile, and hospitable – those are always the first adjectives I use in my description. I don’t solely owe thanks for getting...

Robert Miessner,

Wanting to help the promotion of Serbian language and Culture, the Azbukum Centre has raised a fund with grants offered throughout the year. Every year Azbukum offers grants for winter and summer Serbian Language Programmes.


Grants Application Form can be downloaded here.


There are two types of grants:

а) Full grants

Cover costs of a 2 week summer language course in Novi Sad (J1-5) and a course book. The rest of the costs (transportation, accommodation, etc.) are to be paid by the student. There are 3 full grants per summer regular programmes, one for each category (Ct-1,2,3).


b) Semi grants

Cover 20 % of a language course fee (J1-5) for the period of 4 weeks. The rest of the costs (transportation, course book, accommodation, etc.) are to be paid by the student. There are 5 semi grants for winter and 5 for summer regular language programmes.


The grants are aimed at three categories:


(СТ-1) - For a lecturer from any Slavic department in the world that needs to refresh his/her knowledge and get new contacts with people from Yugoslavia.


(СТ-2) - For a current student of any Slavic department in the world that does a project which promotes Serbian Language or/and Culture.


(СТ-3) - For a person of a Serbian background living abroad and willing to learn or to improve his/her mother tongue.


Priority in getting the grants is given to those applicants who have never attended Azbukum language programs before.